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I‘m using an iPhone 15pro and the phone gets very very hot while navigating, in fact so hot that it says it needs to cool down before further usage.
Also the mobile data usage seems very high, on a 1500km route it used about 4gb of mobile data. Seems like the app is not very optimized
Activity Newest / Oldest
We found an issue with the data usage, the plan responses were not compressed in transfer due to a misconfiguration on our side. The data use should now be reduced to 1/3 of what you experienced. Thanks for reporting!
Status changed to: User Feedback
Could you share a rough plan with us where you were driving? Also, were you using wireless charging while driving?
Ludovic Bellencontre
Whether I'm in the north with mild temperatures or in the south my phone is heating up a lot and I don't use wireless charging
Was driving from northern Germany to the middle of Italy. No wireless charging, phone was plugged into the car the whole time.
Status changed to: Investigate
Ludovic Bellencontre
Same thing on Android with a Google Pixel 7 Pro