B |
Bram Mertens |
Planning a trip from Valencia (Spain) to Zemst (Belgium). ABRP estimates over 30 hours driving time and 2 h charging time.
Tesla route planner gives a total time of 22 hours over the same route.
Google maps shows a driving time of 17 hours over the same route.
Does ABRP schedule additional stops or waiting time?
I have screenshots of all 3 route planners for comparison.
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Bram Mertens
I found that unlinking our car resolved the issue.
This is a new plan with no carlinked using a default Tesla 2024 model Y long range:
I linked the car again and so far the timings are still plausible. I will monitor if this problem reoccurs.
Status changed to: User Feedback
Hi Bram
Please add a link to the plan. Click at Share and Share ABRP link. It seems like there is something in your settings you need to change.