GPS navigation error / Error navegación GPS

Ignasi i Maria-Pau Pujol Teixidó

In just two days and on 4 occasions of asking the GPS for directions, having a good GPS signal in all of them, the navigator in the middle of some directions “gets lost” and marks a fictitious straight line instead of following the layout of the roads. It has happened to us in France but just when the indications are essential. As if you were drawing a straight line indicating the shortest distance between two points without following traces.


En solo dos días y en 4 ocasiones de pedir indicaciones al GPS, teniendo buena señal GPS en todas ellas, el navegador en medio de unas indicaciones se “pierde” y marca una línia recta fictícia en vez de seguir el traçado de las vías. Nos ha passado en francia pero justo cuando las indicaciones son imprescindibles. Cómo si trazara una linia recta indicado la menor distancia entre dos puntos sin seguir trazado vías.


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Sincerely sorry, thanks for reporting. We had a backend issue where we didn't quite handle GPS updates correctly resulting in this behaviour. It was discovered and resolved during the past weekends testing.

Should you still be seeing this behaviour do let us know.
