When I drive enode is connected to abrp. But the it don't change SOC. When I'm driving. Only if I stop and start the car. The SOC change on abrp. So it match the car.
2024-06-26 -
Newest / Oldest
Frank Bjørnsten
About 4 to 8% behind SOC. all the time.
Johan Dörper
I have this aswell, concerns a VW ID4.
Søren Friis
Same here. BMW IX3 - Pre LCI - fully updated.
ABRP V5.01
I can see that there are more people having this issue, could you please comment with some more details?
Are all of you experiencing this issue with ID5?
It would be helpful to get a bit more info on the cars you are using it with?
Frank Bjørnsten
I'm in a lot of ev forums and all car brands are experiences the same issue. No info from Enode while driving. SOC don't follow the car, on my car up to 8% difference.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Frank Bjørnsten
About 4 to 8% behind SOC. all the time.
Johan Dörper
I have this aswell, concerns a VW ID4.
Søren Friis
Same here. BMW IX3 - Pre LCI - fully updated.
ABRP V5.01
I can see that there are more people having this issue, could you please comment with some more details?
Are all of you experiencing this issue with ID5?
It would be helpful to get a bit more info on the cars you are using it with?
Frank Bjørnsten
I'm in a lot of ev forums and all car brands are experiences the same issue. No info from Enode while driving. SOC don't follow the car, on my car up to 8% difference.
Status changed to: Investigate
Adrian Nestor
Same for me