Destination Miles

David Daiker

When planning a round trip it would be nice to be able to enter the number of unplanned miles you guess you will drive while at a waypoint. For example I plan to travel to Metropolis and drive around that city for the day before heading home, I don't know what those stops will be but likely about 30 miles. I'd need to plan the stops on the way to accommodate for those 30 miles to be sure I have enough charge to get back to a charger on the way home.

I've found 3 ways to do this today,
1) Pick some random location X miles away from the destination and add that as a waypoint.
2) Enter a negative kW for some minutes in the "Charge" box of the designation waypoint.
3) Enter an "Arrival SoC" for the waypoint.
All of these are kind of pain. Either requiring finding waypoints the desired distance from my real destination or doing some kW to miles calculation by hand. It would be great if in the waypoint settings I could just put in 30 miles and ABRP would do the calculations.

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Hi David,

I'd recommend adjusting the 'destination arrival SoC' (found under 'battery' in settings) for this use case (it is what I do personally).

We refrain from handling range/distance units since we cannot predict your future driving. You could be going slow around the city, or you could be going up steep hills in windy cold weather.
