Michael Tropper |
Hi - just got on board the Premium Subscription with my new Tesla and found something weird: Whenever I fire up ABRP the Map focus is on the city of Lund in Sweden which is lovely for the first time but should really point to the last position of your car in my opinion - having to change this everytime manually is annoying and could be solved easily I guess ... Thanks!
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Status changed to: Investigate
Hey Michael, thanks for the feedback. We currently adjust the map away from Lund to your browser/unit specified location when we have it but potentially we could make this better by adding a fallback to your vehicles last location. Especially in the tesla browser as I'm quite certain we don't get a location from it so will as you say probably always zoom to Lund. We will take a look at this and fix it. Once more thanks for the feedback!
Unfortunately, this is also the case for me since a few weeks (two or three, I think). It used to be different.