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Version 5.0.5 I "disliked" the electrify America network in the charger network preferences, however, it still shows up when I plan my route.
Status changed to: User Feedback
Hi Aditya Can you pleas add a link to a plan where this happen. Click at Share plan and Share ABRP plan.
Thanks. It seems that the EA chargers are still a better choice than others so that's why we select them. If you change to Exclude instead you will not get any EA chargers but a longer plan in time.
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Status changed to: User Feedback
Hi Aditya
Can you pleas add a link to a plan where this happen. Click at Share plan and Share ABRP plan.
Aditya Belsare
Thanks. It seems that the EA chargers are still a better choice than others so that's why we select them. If you change to Exclude instead you will not get any EA chargers but a longer plan in time.