In the itinerary it is not possible to check the charge card details. It will not open. See attachment. Version 4.7.10, Android
2024-04-29 -
Newest / Oldest
First screenshot shows the possibility to click on „Show more“.
After clicking on it, the charging details were closed (second screenshot).
ABRP V4.7.11 (2696)
iPhone 12 Pro iOS 17.4.1
Same issue for me.
When you click on „Show more“ you won’t get the charging prices of the other cards, but the details of the charging stop are closed.
Activity Newest / Oldest
First screenshot shows the possibility to click on „Show more“.
After clicking on it, the charging details were closed (second screenshot).
ABRP V4.7.11 (2696)
iPhone 12 Pro iOS 17.4.1
Same issue for me.
When you click on „Show more“ you won’t get the charging prices of the other cards, but the details of the charging stop are closed.