When you drive above 100km/h the map zooms to far out. Charge location items only visible in the direct area of the current position. Not visible on the road ahead. Lower speeds the maps zooms automaticly in and the icons pops up.
2024-06-26 -
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User Feedback
Hi Gerard,
Please add information regarding where this is happening;
- iOS/Android app?
- Apple CarPlay / Android Auto?
- Google Automotive?
If possible please provide a screenshot.
Gerard van Aalsum
Apple carplay with Iphone IOS. the charge location items load slow. It looks like it has to do the the level of autozoom. Apple carplay on VW ID4
Thank you for the information!
Would it be possible for you to provide a screenshot of how zoomed out the map is when you exceed 100?
Gerard van Aalsum
Hi there. Yes i can.
I've added screenshots at different speeds. Also missing the green status bar from Enode when there is a connection with enode. (see fotos)
And i added a movie (while driving) and you can see the icons turn of and on. It seems that the icons want to show bigger and then smaller every certain miliseconds.
Hope this is the information you need.
Still vary happy with ABRP and a happy customer.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Status changed to: Done
Status changed to: User Feedback
Hi Gerard,
Please add information regarding where this is happening;
- iOS/Android app?
- Apple CarPlay / Android Auto?
- Google Automotive?
If possible please provide a screenshot.
Gerard van Aalsum
Apple carplay with Iphone IOS. the charge location items load slow. It looks like it has to do the the level of autozoom. Apple carplay on VW ID4
Thank you for the information!
Would it be possible for you to provide a screenshot of how zoomed out the map is when you exceed 100?
Gerard van Aalsum
Hi there. Yes i can.
I've added screenshots at different speeds. Also missing the green status bar from Enode when there is a connection with enode. (see fotos)
And i added a movie (while driving) and you can see the icons turn of and on. It seems that the icons want to show bigger and then smaller every certain miliseconds.
Hope this is the information you need.
Still vary happy with ABRP and a happy customer.