ABRP V4.7.2: Safety risk due to swapped position of speed limit and SOC on CarPlay display


ABRP V4.7.2

Safety risk due to swapped position of speed limit and SOC on CarPlay display.

Previously, the maximum permitted speed was shown at the top right of the CarPlay display and the SOC display at the bottom right.
This was very good and conducive to safety when driving, because if you turned your eyes away from the road towards the CarPlay display to read the speed limit from there, you would immediately see the speed limit coming from above.

A few versions ago, however, the position of the speed limit and SOC on the CarPlay display was swapped. Currently, the SOC display is at the top right of the CarPlay display and the speed limit is at the bottom right.

The position of the speed limit at the bottom right currently poses an increased safety risk, increasing the risk of accidents:

This is because if you turn your eyes away from the road when using the current version to look for the speed limit on the CarPlay display, you now have to look significantly lower depending on the position and size of the CarPlay display of the vehicle to do so and turn your eyes significantly further away from the road until you can read the desired speed limit at the bottom right edge.

Please ABRP, change the position of the speed limit back to the top right position.
Many prevented accidents will thank you for it.


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Status changed to: User Feedback



We decided to swap the positions when we moved the car marker further down (to leave more room for the road ahead) as the black SoC overlay was big enough on some display to overlap with the car marker.
For many EV drivers the SoC may actually be even more frequently looked at, so it is not all bad, in my mind.



Hi Bo

If I remember correctly, the speed limit used to be directly below the SOC display. Now the speed limit is all the way down.

Especially in vehicles with a vertical display, the speed limit is now at the bottom, almost at the level of the gear selector ;-)

For ergonomic and driving safety reasons, the speed limit should be displayed again in the old position directly below the SOC display.

Can you please discuss the topic again at Internio?



There is a fight for the space in the upper part of the screen :) Best use of screen estate would be to place SoC and speed information between the left top instruction and the bottom remaining-numbers but that would break Apple's template even more. I'll check with our designer!