Arrival SoC not working

Matthew J Greco

i'm trying to plan a trip for later this week and putting 10% as my arrival SoC, and it continually keeps having me stop at a supercharger just a few miles away to get to my destination at 25% rather than respecting my 10% setting.

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Matthew J Greco

here's a perfect example, as i'm trying to plan my trip...i tell it to get to my first stop with 10% left, but for some reason it has me making a second supercharger stop which leaves me getting to my destination at 35% rather than the 10% i requested. this would lead to a lot of unnecessarily wasted time charging, if i were to follow this plan, rather than just spending a few extra minutes at the first supercharger and getting to my destination at the SoC i am trying to tell it i want to be at...


Martijn Brakman

@katya: You are asking for a link, however this bug occurs with every plan I make.


Yes, please provide us a link.


Matthew J Greco

this does happen on every trip i plan, but here's a random one that clearly shows it. i put in 10% as the arrival SoC, but it's getting me there with 20%. if it were respecting the 10% arrival, i wouldn't need to stop at buckeye - just the charge at quartzsite or a few extra minutes there should get me to phoenix at 10%.



Matthew J Greco

if you modify the destination soc here (under more options), it seems to respect it - but that doesn't help for longer road trips where i'm trying to plan out overnight stops. it's not respecting the destination soc for any of the stops in the middle.


Thank you. I can see the edit applied to the final destination is not respected, but if you do change the arrival SoC (global setting) in settings to a value lower than 10 we will produce a plan where 10 is respected.

We'll look into why the waypoint-specific setting isn't respected here.



Martijn Brakman

Hi, I am experiencing the same problem. This bug almost caused a big problem, with my car barely making it to the charger (and offcourse I should have paid a bit more attention), but I trusted the software…


Hi Matthew,

Please share the link to a plan where this occurs so that we can take a closer look.



Matthew J Greco

and if you're trying to set it for individual points along the way, it definitely doesn't work. here's an example, with a stop in midland tx that i want to arrive with 10% remaining...it still has me going to the midland supercharger first, charging to 72%, then arriving at midland.


Matthew J Greco

it respects it if you click "show more" at the bottom of the window, then change the destination SoC there - but not if you change it on your destination settings in the actual trip planner.