Simon Bachdall |
If I click music in carpkay to change a song abrp doesn't stay as the navigation app I have to go to the homeacreen every time and swipe to screen 2 and click abrp. We must surely be able to keep the spot while an active navigation session is only going in abrp! More than happy to test versions in testflight
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Chris Loneragan
This would be very very helpful. Every other nav app I have uses the the CarPlay Dashboard space so it should be possible with ABRP.
Simon Bachdall
could it be that the app shows navigation on the dashboard in the widgets, and that carplay chooses what navigation app to show in the dock?
Hi Bo
Is there any news about this?
We will investigate again if we can get ABRP to stick in the dock or if it is controlled by Apple magic.
Hi Simon
This is a known issue since the first ABRP version for CarPlay.
Some time ago ABRP mentioned that things are not getting any better at the moment. Therefore, I have decided to move ABRP to the first CarPlay page.
Status changed to: Investigate