ABRP 5.0.8 Mydrive gets completely bogged down during use


ABRP V5.0.8 (3006)
iPhone 12 Pro iOS 17.6.1

Mydrive gets completely bogged down during use.

How can you reproduce the error?

1) I call up mydrives, today is 7th September
2) I see all entries from September in screenshot #1
3) I click on the 2nd of September and get screenshot #2.
4) I click on an entry and see the curves in screenshot #3
5) I click on the left arrow to return to the previous view, but instead of going to the same day, 2 September, today's day 7 September is displayed (screenshot #4)
6) I click on the left arrow to return to the previous view, but instead of seeing all entries for September, all entries have disappeared (screenshot #5)
8) The only way to solve this problem is to select a different vehicle and then switch back to the previous vehicle.
9) once you have done this, you can continue with step 1) again and you are going to get the same error at step 5)


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Status changed to: In progress



We are currently rewriting the MyDrives logic to fix several issues. We will let you know when there is a public beta to test!

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Status changed to: Investigate