TomTomZoe |
ABRP V4.7.3
iPhone Pro 12 iOS 17.3.1
The framed route points and the destination can be moved endlessly to the left and right in a circle, which means that if you scroll one framed box after the other in one direction, the first one will appear again at the end. This is confusing.
It should only be possible to scroll to the left to the first route point and to the right to the destination. Not in a circle.
If the list consists of only one destination without further route points, the destination can currently be scrolled around in circles to the left and right. This is also confusing. Please take a look at the screenshots for an example.
If the route only (still) consists of one destination, it should not be possible to scroll to the left or right.
Activity Newest / Oldest
This ticket has been moved to our new feedback portal; abrp.featurebase.app/en/p/abrp-473-framed-route-pointsdestination-can-be-moved-endlessly-2
This is fixed and will be available in 4.7.4
Status changed to: Done
Status changed to: Investigate