A few remarks at first glance

Freddy Madsen

Looks promising :-)
My car is a Nissan Ariya 87 kwh. I can only choos 90 kwh.
It has 19" wheels as opposed to 20" that would make a difference on the power consumption.
The numbers in the premium offer are not readable - too karge for the boxes.
I have not received an confirmation email on my gmail (I logged on using google account) or when I changed it.
This is my second attempt to report my findings. I left the app to verify I had not yet received confirmation email and this text was gone when i returned.

:-) Freddy


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Hi Freddy,

Thank you for reporting.

The Nissan Ariya just has a naming issue, but otherwise you've got the correct car selected. Wheel size is not a standard feature in the vehicle selection.

We're aware of the UI issue in the premium page and it'll be corrected.

If you're having issues with verifying your email, please submit an account/login support ticket via email to us.
