Zéro DS

Sam Sam

14kwh , recharge classique schuko a 1,3kwh(9,8h recharge complète)


Activity Newest / Oldest



Status changed to: User feedback




Thank you for the suggestion!

To help us build the model, would you please also provide as much of the following information as you can find online (Ordered from most to least important):

- Usable Battery Capacity
- Range (WLTP is preferred)
- Weight
- Dimensions (Height, Width, Length)
- Coefficient of Drag
- Coefficient of Rolling Resistance

We can build a model based on only a partial set of these, but the more data you can provide the better the model will be. For charging, at least some of the following data is needed:

- Peak Charge Power
- Charge Time (including start/end %)
- Plot of Power vs SoC %

A video of a charging session from low to high SoC would also work quite well.



Patric Harvent

peut être avoir la possibilité de paramétrer une option de puissance de charge générale pour définir quelle est la puissance de charge de la moto car il y a beaucoup d'options de chargeurs additionnels intégrés ou non ... Pour le moment, je suis obligé de définir cette puissance de charge à chaque point de recharge. Pour les longs voyages du coup ça prend assez longtemps à planifier ...