Designwerk semi trucks

Simon Girsberger

Please check colaboration with Designwerk trucks in Switzerland to implement electric longhaul trucking, especialy in the mountains. Filter if charging stations are accessible for (semi) trucks with and without disconnecting trailer required. Proposal: Start with 900kWh/500km range semi truck. A lot of data should be available since begining 15 years ago and more than 150 trucks in field. Maybe models are also usable for Tesla Semi later... Maybe implement ARBP-for-trucks together with Megawatt-Battery-Charging-System project of Designwerk...


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Sascha Moser

Hi. I'm also interested in the support for Designwerk EV Trucks. What is the current status of development. I will do some test drives and need good route planning for this. Please leave feedback.



Status changed to: User feedback



Hi Simon,

Thank you for the suggestion!

To help us build the model, would you please also provide as much of the following information as you can find online (Ordered from most to least important):

Usable Battery Capacity
Range (WLTP is preferred)
Dimensions (Height, Width, Length)
Coefficient of Drag
Coefficient of Rolling Resistance

We can build a model based on only a partial set of these, but the more data you can provide the better the model will be. For charging, at least some of the following data is needed:

Peak Charge Power
Charge Time (including start/end %)
Plot of Power vs SoC %

A video of a charging session from low to high SoC would also work quite well.



Simon Girsberger

Hello Katya

Thanks for taking into account to add Designwerk trucks in ABRP App. I forwarded your eMail to the e-Truck Product Manager from Designwerk. If interested they will provide further information.

Best regards,
Simon Girsberger