We've requested that our data partner looks into retrieving the tariffs for Polestar Charge so that we can add it to the list.
David Bennington
Plugsurfing Polestar Edition replaced the main Plugsurfing app specifically for Polestar customers. This allows Ionity charging at €0.40 or GBP equivalent, until further notice.
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This ticket has been moved to our new feedback portal;
Status changed to: In progress
Hi all,
We've requested that our data partner looks into retrieving the tariffs for Polestar Charge so that we can add it to the list.
David Bennington
Plugsurfing Polestar Edition replaced the main Plugsurfing app specifically for Polestar customers. This allows Ionity charging at €0.40 or GBP equivalent, until further notice.
Merged with: Plugsurfing Polestar Edition