Enyakıt charging network (Turkey)

onur d.

Only charging stations that we can add as cards from turkey is "eşarj". Please add the following stations that are commonly used;






Shell recharge


Activity Newest / Oldest


This ticket has been moved to our new feedback portal;



Can you please add the oncharge, wat mobilite, gioEv, Trugo, enYakit to the charge cards for Türkiye?


Hi Coşkun,

It'll be much easier if each network/card is requested as a separate ticket. How easy it is to get the data always depends on the company themselves and the process for each may vary.

WAT Mobilite - We and our data partner have not been able to establish a connection with them despite several attempts. The request is handled in this ticket abrp.upvoty.com/b/add-a-charge-card-network/wat-charge-network-turkiye

GioEV - currently available as a network and charge card

Trugo - handled in this ticket abrp.upvoty.com/b/add-a-charge-card-network/trugo-charge-network-1

Enyakıt - this one is handled in an existing ticket, please see abrp.upvoty.com/b/add-a-charge-card-network/add-turkish-charging-companies

I'll cross therefore merge this into the ticket requesting Enyakıt charging network,

If you are missing specific chargers from the networks which we already do support, please report them with links and addresses here: abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-charger/



Hi Onur,

It'll be much easier if each network/card is requested as a separate ticket. How easy it is to get the data always depends on the company themselves and the process for each may vary.

Trugo - handled in this ticket abrp.upvoty.com/b/add-a-charge-card-network/trugo-charge-network-1

ZES - is currently available as a network and charge card, handled in abrp.upvoty.com/b/add-a-charge-card-network/zes

Astor - is currently available as a network and charge card

OnCharge - is currently available as a network, requested as a charge card and handled in this ticket abrp.upvoty.com/b/add-a-charge-card-network/oncharge

Enyakıt - this one I'm not able to find any other requests for.

Shell Recharge - is currently available as a network and charge card

Beefull - is currently available as a network, not available as a charge card and no other requests found.

I'll cross out the already added ones and make this a request for Enyakıt only since there is no other request. Please provide more information and links regarding Enyakıt for us to forward to our data provider as this makes it easier for them to reach out.

If you are missing specific chargers from the networks which we already do support, please report them with links and addresses here: abrp.upvoty.com/b/report-a-charger/
